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This blog is maintained by the History and Archives Committee of the Universalist Unitarian Church of Peoria, Illinois. To learn more about our church, visit www.peoriauuchurch.org.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

1950s Youth Group

I have it on good authority that our church had a very active youth group in the 1950s. In theory, many of its members could be out there reading this, wherever they are today. I know of at least one who’s still in our congregation. So...how about telling us a few stories?


Anonymous said...

I was a member of the Liberal Religious Youth (LRY) group at our old Universalist Church. We had a very active group. LRYers were involved in teaching Sunday School, fundraisers such as selling fire extinguishers to help support our own activities, meeting every Sunday night, mainly at each other’s homes or in the church basement, and going at least 3 times a year around the state to spend weekends with all the other LRY groups in Illinois, including Oak Park. LRY helped the Men’s Club in church projects, such as the cutting of our church’s pews to form a center aisle. This project was logistically planned so well that the Men’s Club and the LRY group accomplish this project on one Sunday afternoon starting after the end of church services.

Dr. Richard G. Macdonald (Dick)

Kathy Carter said...

Thanks for sharing this, Dick. For those who don't know, the pew project was done in 1955 as part of a general remodeling of the sanctuary. Until that time the sanctuary had two side aisles and no center aisle. It's interesting that the pews were cut and reconfigured in 1955 and then again in 2005 when we moved them into our new building. So I guess it will be time to do it again in 2055!